Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Group

Location-Routing Problem

Location-Routing Problem (LRP)
LRP instances hosted by Caroline Prodhon
Reference: Vincent F. Yu, Shih-Wei Lin*, Wenyih Lee, Ching-Jung Ting. A simulated annealing heuristic for the capacitated location routing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering 2010; 58(2):288-299.

Open Location-Routing Problem (OLRP)
Best soulutions found by simulated annealing heuristic
Reference: Vincent F. Yu*, Shin-Yu Lin. A simulated annealing heuristic for the open location-routing problem. Computers & Operations Research 2015; 62:184-196.

Location-Routing Problem with Simulataneous Pickup and Delivery (LRPSPD)
LRPSPD instances
References: Vincent F. Yu*, Shin-Yu Lin. Solving the location-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery by simulated annealing. International Journal of Production Research 2015; accepted.

Two-Echelon Open Location-Routing Problem (2E-OLRP)
2E-OLRP instances and solutions

Location-Routing Problem with Demand Range (LRPDR)
LRPDR instances
References: Vincent F. Yu, Panca Jodiawan, Yi-Hsuan Ho, Shih-Wei Lin*. Location-routing problem with demand range. IEEE Access 2019; accepted.

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